

This module provides a set of tools for working with logfiles

Usage: ./log2pic [options] <log file> <output file>

[options] are:

-anim-step <STEP-SIZE>: min distance between scans (in cm)

-anim-skip <NUM>: skip NUM animation dumps (0: no skip

-animation: write sep. pics for animation

-background <FILE>: use background file

-bg-offset <X><Y>: shift by <X>/<Y> pixels

-bg-color <COLOR>: background color

-bg-map <FILE>: read carmen-map as background image

-border <BORDER>: add a border (in cm)

-carmen-map: save in carmen-map format

-convolve: convolve map with gaussian kerne;

-crop <X><Y><X><Y>: crop part of the map (min,max):

-darken <FACTOR>: darken the occ. cells

-display-arrow: display arrow in marking

-endpoints: use endpoints instead of beams

-free-prob: probability for free observation

-from <NUM>: start animation with scan NUM

-gps-path: draw gps points

-id <ID>: set laser number

-kernel-size <NUM>: size of the gaussian kernel (>0 and odd)

-maxrange <MAX-RANGE>: max range for building maps

-no-scans: don't integrate the scans

-odds-model: use odds-model to compute probs

-pathcolor <COLORNAME>: color of the robot path

-pathwidth <WIDTH>: width of the robot path

-start-pose <X><Y><O>: start pose of the robot

-plot2d: save as 2d data file

-plot3d: save map as 3d data file

-pos-start <X><Y>: pos of lower left bg-corner

-rear-laser: use rear laser instead of front laser

-res <RES> <RES>: resolution of the map

-res-x <RES>: resolution in x direction

-res-y <RES>: resolution in y direction

-rotate <ANGLE>: rotate the map by ANGLE degree

-showpath: show robot path

-size: set the size of the output image

-static-prob: probability for static observation

-to <NUM>: end animation with scan NUM

-usablerange <MAX-RANGE>: max range for detecting corrupted beams

-utm-correct: corrects gps positions for UTM tiles

-zoom <ZOOM>: scale factor for the map (must be >=1.0)


Log2log is a tool to convert logfiles. In reads the old as well as the new carmen logfile format and write the new format.

Usage: ./log2pic <carmen input logfile> <carmen output logfile>


This tools is a converter that generates the old FLASER messages for the new ROBOTLASER messages. This may be needed for compatibility with old programs.

Usage: ./clf-get-oldlaser <carmen logfile> > <old_format logfile>

Generated on Wed Apr 5 18:34:20 2006 for CARMEN by  doxygen 1.4.4